How To Get Perfectly White Teeth 

When you meet someone new, one of the first things you might notice about them is their smile. They may notice the same thing about you. This is why many people are concerned with the appearance of their smile and the brightness of their teeth. Whether you are on a date in Brookline or going for a job interview, a good smile will always boost your confidence. 

It was found that 80% of Americans aged between 18 and 49 want whiter teeth and look for methods to do so. While professional teeth whitening is the best way, there are ways to get whiter teeth by following a few lifestyle tips as well. To determine the reason for your tooth discoloration, visit a Brookline general dentist today. 

Tips to get perfectly white teeth 

  • Brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste. 

Dentists recommend looking at the ingredients of your toothpaste before buying. While bleach is effective in whitening, it can have negative effects on your enamel as it is abrasive in nature. It might make your teeth more sensitive. Some common ingredients added to whitening toothpaste include– hydrogen peroxide, activated charcoal, mild abrasives, and baking soda. 

  • Get dental cleaning. 

One of the first steps in achieving a white smile is getting your teeth thoroughly cleaned. This is not possible at home as your toothbrush cannot reach the difficult areas of your mouth. 

Professional dental cleaning removes surface stains, smoothens the enamel, and polishes your teeth. Not only do your teeth appear whiter, but a smoother surface is more resistant to new stains. Moreover, cleaning makes whitening more effective. 

  • Drink less coffee and tea. 

If you cannot start your day without a cup of coffee, your teeth might be in trouble. Even one cup of coffee can stain your teeth as it contains tannins, a substance that makes compounds stick to your teeth. Tea also has the same effect, but it depends on the type of tea you drink. For example, black tea makes your teeth yellow, while green teeth stain it grey. 

  • Lower your sugar consumption. 

Sugar is not good for your body and oral health for various reasons, including staining. Sugar interacts with the bacteria in your mouth and produces acid. This acidic component is what makes your teeth look yellow. It also degrades your enamel. Avoid eating foods with lots of sugar content, including junk food.

If you are looking to whiten your teeth through foods, the best ones are fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. However, even the best diet does not replace the importance of brushing and flossing. 

If you have been trying to whiten your teeth naturally at home and have not received any results, it may be time to try a more professional approach. Schedule your dental appointment today!